Git, GitHub, and R for beginners

A workshop on version control with Git, GitHub, and R


January 28, 2023

Event Details

Speaker: YeEun Park, Yudhajit Ain
Date and Time: February 2, 2023, from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Location: University of Calgary

Git is an open-source version control system used extensively for managing projects, but can feel complicated to set up for beginners. In this workshop, you will learn the basics of Git, Github, and R. It will be a practical hands-on workshop where we’ll go through the learning process together. Topics include: What is Git? Why do you need Git & Github? What kind of project is it used for? How does Git work? How does it work with R & R studio? Note: Any program downloads will be done during the workshop, so only a computer is required to participate!