Call for Open Science Content Creators Fall 2022


Emiko Muraki


August 21, 2022

The Open Science Student Support Group (OSSSG) is looking for students in the Department of Psychology at the University of Calgary to be “content creators” for Fall 2022.

OSSSG sessions serve the combined purpose of building community, sharing ideas and resources, and helping each other learn about and implement open and inclusive research practices. Our aim is to create a space where everyone is welcomed and invited to contribute to each event.

As a content creator, you prepare and deliver the core content of a session within this framework. Generally, sessions last 90 minutes and include a break, as well as a round of introductions/check-ins at the start and interactive components throughout. While the core content may be as short as 15 minutes, we expect you to be present for the whole session (typically 90 minutes), so participants get a chance to interact with you.

To accommodate differences in capacity, we’ve outlined three types of content we’re interested in hosting that differ in their time commitment and compensation: Presenter (10 hours expected preparation time, $200 CAD compensation), Tutorial Guide (15 hours expected preparation time, $300 CAD compensation) and Workshop Leader (expected preparation time 27-28 hours, $550 CAD compensation). Remember, content creators are only responsible for creating the content for the session and showing up to facilitate it - all other logistics for planning the session will be taken care of by OSSSG organizers.

If you are interested in creating content for an OSSSG session in Fall 2022, here is what you need to do:

  1. Pick an open science topic! You aren’t expected to be an expert on the topic, it can be something you’d like to learn more about through developing your presentation! You can find a list of previous topics here for inspiration.

  2. Decide on the type of presentation you would like to do (Presenter, Tutorial Guide or Workshop Leader). See description of expectations for each type of presentation here.

  3. Fill out a proposal form. Tell us which topic, presentation type, and month you would like to create a session. Find the Google form here.

Deadline for proposals is: September 15th, 2022

In the event that we receive more proposals than available slots, we will ask our members to vote for their preferred topics. Any proposals not selected for Fall 2022 can also be considered for Winter 2022. If we do not receive enough proposals for the available time slots we will keep the proposal form open for submissions throughout Fall 2022.

Please get in touch with us by email at if you have any questions.